Meadowbrook Community Hall 

Welcome to the NEW Meadowbrook Community Hall website! Please visit here frequently to receive news of upcoming events and information relative to life in the Cougar Gulch area.

Mission Statement

The purpose of the Sam Rodius Park Association will be to protect and promote the best interests of the residents of Cougar Gulch. To preserve and protect the historic hall, formally the schoolhouse, as a safe welcoming environment that is a community resource for gathering, sharing, continued learning, and celebrating. To keep Cougar Gulch a desirable neighborhood; to maintain the integrity, aesthetics and residential character of the neighborhood.

CougarGulch Glance

Painting Party

Craft Fair and Chili Lunch

Welcome to our Cougar Gulch Community website. Our community is as rich in history as it is in scenic and natural beauty. From the open meadows to the forested mountains, folks have been residing in this area for over 100 years. This historic neighborhood is one of the oldest in Coeur d’Alene, and its past and current residents have greatly influenced the development of the city. From supplying food and shelter to the Fort Sherman soldiers, providing farm goods for the local area, to the present day mix of people from all walks of life, this diverse community is still vibrant.

Currently, this thriving neighborhood is the place over 350 residents call home. The heart of our community is the Meadowbrook Hall, also known as the Sam Rodius Memorial Park Association (SRMPA),  dedicated as a memorial for the community-minded Sam Rodius by the five local farmers that purchased it. The Hall and the almost five acres it sits on was perpetually set aside for our neighborhood use and gathering. The historic building used to be a one-room school, and has housed countless barn dances, politician and farmers’ meetings, receptions, reunions, parties, and community get-togethers over the past several decades.

Thank you for helping continue our tradition of community!

Our Meadowbrook Community Hall is a 

registered site.

Want to know more about the history of North Idaho? Follow the Museum of North Idaho at (Facebook/Instagram), or contact one of the active local historical groups and societies in Post Falls, Coeur d’Alene, Rathdrum, and Harrison.

Meadowbrook Community Hall

8088 W. Meadowbrook Loop

Coeur d'Alene, Id 83814