Become a Member / Pay Dues

Registered Membership is an essential part of our community. The annual fee to become a registered member is $30 a year per household. We are currently providing an early-bird discounted membership of only $25 if paid before March 31. Also available is our lifetime membership for only $250.

Dues are paid $30 annually or $25 before March 31. The dues paid provide the means to manage and maintain the Hall and pay taxes, utilities, and insurance.  It also provides the funding needed to host all the wonderful events we enjoy throughout the year. 


In addition to funding our Hall, your dues earn you some great perks!  Members can rent the Meadowbrook Hall for personal events at a reduced rate of only $75 per day. See our page about the Meadowbrook Hall for more information on renting. We hope you will become a registered member and join us in support of our community!



Click here to print the membership form, or you can become a member or pay yearly dues by card at our secure Square site by clicking here.

call Jonelle Greear (208) 660-0948 for general questions